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Customers' Galleries

Here you'll find pictures and videos sent to us by customers who've used some of our products in their models and projects.  If you have a model in which you've installed any of our products, and you'd like to show off your hard work (and ours!), we'd love to see them!  You can upload them directly to us by clicking the "Upload +" buttons. 

We'll look them over and get them posted as soon as we can.

Come on folks, send 'em in! 

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Click on the picture to open images in Expanded Mode. 

Hover over image for information about the model and the DRCE products used.

Video Gallery

Click on the picture to open images in Expanded Mode. 

Hover over image for information about the model and the DRCE products used.

There are dozens of additional videos available for viewing on our YouTube channel, and we add new ones almost every week.  Most of them are of custom Navigation Light Sets we've made for customers who needed lights to model a specific aircraft or helicopter, or are custom circuits designed to control a servo or servos in a specific way.  Check them out by clicking on the YouTube Icon below, and then click on the "Subscribe" button on our YouTube page to receive notices when we add new videos.

Dave's R/C Electronics YouTube Channel
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Pictures Gallery

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