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This switch is designed to allow the modeler to control multiple outputs from a single proportional receiver channel.  The four outputs toggle on/off in series and in order, so that as the next output is turned "On" the previous outputs remain "On".  Power to the switched devices is supplied from a separate input, so there's no danger of draining your receiver's battery and causing a loss of control.  Great for lighting applications (or any other device) where the modeler needs to control the outputs individually, and needs to have more than one output on at a time, i.e. navigation light systems where wingtip lights need to remain "On" while landing lights, strobes, or other lights are toggled on/off separately.  As the stick, knob, or slider that is used to control the channel is advanced, the outputs are activated in order, from #1 to #4, and the stick or knob can be moved back and forth as needed to switch between output modes without having to return it to the center or to the "Off" position.  The last picture in the slider above is a graph that illustrates how the circuit responds to changes in the channel's position. This switch comes complete with the matching male/female JST cables you will need to make all your connections.


This switch circuit is different from the Sequential R/C Switch in that more than one output can be turned on at the same time.  Refer to the Product Detail section at right for more specific information on how the switch works, or download the Instruction Sheet from the Sequential R/C Switch Product Page. (link above)


IMPORTANT NOTE:  This circuit will only work correctly when used in a proportional channel, typically channel 6 or higher.  It will not work in a standard gear channel (typically channel 5) that is non-proportional.  If you want to use it in your radio's gear channel, please consult your transmitter's manual to make sure that it can be configured as a proportional channel.


DOWNLOAD: Multi-Output Switch Manual


Multi-Output R/C Switch

  • Pluig the servo cable marked "To Receiver" to a spare, proportional channel in your receiver.  Connect the red JST cable marked "Voltage In" to the battery that will supply power to your devices, and connect the red JST cables marked "Output #1", "Output #2" etc. to the devices you wish to control.  The Multi-Output R/C Switch will control the outputs as shown in the chart below:


    ATV or (Channel Setting) Function
    0% or (-100)-fully counter-clockwise

    All Outputs "OFF"

    25% or (-50) Output #1 "ON"
    50% or (0)-center Outputs #1 and #2 "ON"
    75% or (+50) Outputs #1, #2, and #3 "ON"
    100% or (+100)-fully clockwise All Outputs (4) "ON"


    Notice that outputs are toggled on/off in series.  If you need only one output on at a time, consider our Sequential R/C Switch.


    Outputs are rated at a maximum of 800mA each.  If you need a higher current rating, use our Contact Form to give us the details of your project, and we can modify the circuit to meet your specifications.

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